Abaca item No.1224 NE isn running production stock lot more than 500 kg at present.
Additonally , Article No.1215 NE 9 100% abcaca paper yarn is available for our supply.
If you will be interested in article No.1215 NE 9, please be free to contact us by e.mail
or fax.
Article #014
Yield :: 410 gram per square meter
size : 185 cm x about 30 meter roll
Colour: breached white and dyed colours
Article #015
Yield : 202 gram per square meter.
Size; 160 cm x about 48 meter roll
Colours: breached white and dyed colours.
Quality samples: we will send you the sample fabrics upon receipt of your requests.
These fabrics are suited for T shirts and other kinds of shirts
Abaca paper yarns are best material for
denim & knit because of thier special
quality superiority.
Abaca paper yarn is used for
Specially woven for abaca paper towel.
Abaca paper is slit to tape yarn.
This paper yarn is woven with special technique
to produce "Abaca paper body towel"
The eyes of fabrics are good for massage towel
Exporters ; Yubicks Inc., Japan.
Makers : Furukawa Yusuke Shop Co.,Ltd.
Abaca fabric No.NW 140
Application ; The following articles.
Composition : abaca 40% Cotton 60%
Width : 140 cm/135
Length: about 50m
Weight gram (Yield) : 190 gram /saure meter (m2)
Minimm : 200 m per colour.
50 m per colour for sample order.
Delivery: about 60 days.
about 35 -35 days for sample order.If you will have your question and requests,
please be free to contact us by e.mail or tehephone.
"Abaca paper yarn and persimmon- dyed Parasol"
100 percent of Abaca paper yarn is used.
1. Parasol cuts "Ultra violet rays" wiith priiority.
2. Natural tree of "Cherry " are used for handle, Ferrule and tassel especially.
3. Abaca paper parasoly is made of material of fabrics in details to handle and it is the highest class of parasol.
5. Parasol is made to order.
If you will have your questions, please be free to contact us.
"Abaca paper slipper"
The most lightest weight, antibacterbacterial
property and air permeability are specially
characterised for this slipper.
Laundry is available and you can use this slipper
with cleaning.
On seasons, like spring, summer, autom and
winter, Designs of patterns are changed.
Lady''s Cherry knit hat.
Abaca paper is kntted and made for
knitting hat,
Natural Cherry tree dyed.
Light weight, air -permiability and sweat
and water aborbent propery apecially
Cherry tree natural dyed toto bag
Abaca paper yarn is knitted
Light weight and open part is covered
with inner lining cloth.
Inside packed materials are unseen from
outside glance.
Abaca shawl made withCherry tree natural dye.
Light weight, hghest peameability
Antibacteria resistance are espeically
superior to other material
You feel confirtable to skin touching.
"Mitten " made with organic cotton and abaca paper yarn
Size : 12 cm x 20 cm
Material and compostion : cotton 60% and abaca paper yarn 40 %
Natural fiber colour is best suited for babby and women skin.
Japanese paper (abaca paper) has natural antibacteria property and highest peamealiability with quickest dry.
There is no use of soap without stimulation to your skin and
removal of extra skin .
How to use "Mitten"
Insert the middle finber around the tape (cord) and then put other
fingers except thum. Please use this mitten.
Further attention and special properties.
1 Light brown colour is natural material colours.
2.There is no stimilation to skin when you will not use soap and
your extra skin layers are cleaned up. It makes your soft and moiture
3. "Mitten is passed through Oecotex 100 certifying baby or infant
standard class 1 and it is approved by German ecology promotion " Cerse"
100 percent for organic materials are approved by it.
4. Insert your middle finger into the cord and put thumb and other fingers
into Inside of "Mitten".
5. This mitten is suited for using baby body because there is no chemical fibers.
This picture is surface of Mitten to
touch your skin.
Very comfortable skin touch and also the above-mentioned
superior function attracts you.
Please be free to contact us for your request of sample test.
First please try to use it.
Article No. 28 9659
Composition: abaca 60% cashimia 12%, silk 11%
cotton 17%
Width : 124 cm/122 cm
Weight : 22 gram/m2
minimum: 200m per colour.
We can accept less than those of 200m/colour
but prices becomes higher due to dyeing cost.
Article : No.55 TN4-145-224026
Composition : abaca 55% polyester
Tencel 45%
Width : 125cm/123cm
Length: 50m per roll
Weight: 196 gram/m2
Minimum: : 500m /colour
We can accept the minimum lots but the price becomes higher than that of standard minimum lot.
"Special Japanese designed paper are mold between plastic sheet or single plastic resin layer.Beautiful paper designs are oberved through transparent plastic sheet from ouside.With your procession of vaccum forming or pressure forming , 3 dimentional forming is availableas you can sea our pictures.We are expecting that you will apply these outstanding plastic sheets for your new productsin future.Main applications are interior decoration, wall tiles, display goods etc.
Japanese "Awa" Indigo dye blue is locally popular in Japan.
The right picture is Japanese indigo blue planted in Tokushima prefecture, Japan.
"Awa Indigo blue dye" is applied for textile, wood and accessories.
There are dyeing factories, dye factories, dyed
fabric, wood factories and accessories ateliers.
Traditional "Awa indigo dye blue goods are still increasing its market
for not only Japan but also foreign countries
The picuture by right side is standard and tradtional
"Awa indigo blue dyed cloths.
This material yarn is available for cotton and abace
it is a beautiful indigo blue coloured pant and shirt.
Japanese people love this simple and deeped blue colour and the highest clasoo of shirt and pant.
We will provide these dyed fabric to you.
The right side of picture is dyed with "Awa Indigo blue"
Indigo blue colours are dyed two kinds of solvents.
After Awa indigo dyestuff solvent of blue colour
and green colour are applied on raw white fabric
or yarns, they are changing these colours
by exposed by air and put in water, colours
are changing to clear indigo blue colour finally.
Textile designers are mostly impressed at
seeing this vivid colour change.
Indigo blue dye is dyed with cotton and Japanese paper
yarns (Abaca paper yarn)
The mixed yarns for cotton and abaca paper yarn
are also dyeable too.
The dye stuff is made from "AI (Pericadia Temtoria) . Indigo blue colours are used with
two kinds of solvents, namely dark purple and
green colours. After dipping fabrics or yarns,
They are exposed by air and cleaned with water,
Colour is changing into real indigo blue tint.
Sewing designer is impressed with this colour
change at natural atmosphere.
Apertune pattern designers who stick on this
indigo blue and her combination of straight and curved lines are in a position to creat variouds
beautiful and unique new patters.
Please refer to right side picture.
New arrangements for aperture fabrics make
different facial expression.
One of designer Mrs.Yuko Miyoshi creates
the best use of blotting patterns for her
Mrs.Akiko Yamanawa, one of accesory designers
use "Awa Indigo blue dye" for her products.
Cottom pear dyed with "Awa indigo blue dye"
are applied for her blue coloured accessories.
She check these beads after indigo dye is applied.
This serious dye checking work is very important for making real or genuine indigo blue colours.
Most Japanese love this beautiful Awa Indigo blue beads .
We are in a position to supply a set of "Indigo blue beads", blue beads and its parts to you.
We will be pleased to receive your comments, inquiries and any questionaires at any time by taking your e.mail, fax and telephone。
e.mail : kk.yubicks@maia.eonet.ne.jp
fax + 81 (0) 77 564 7136
telephone + 81 (0) 77 564 7185
English, Japanese and Italiano are
According toMr.Hitosi DOI of his Atelier Athen,he studyied traditional indigo dye and believed that chemical dye was taken place from traditional indigo blue dye.Japanese jewelry and accessories were popularized since Meiji era (1868~ 1912)
In additioan, artificial chemical dye stuffs and Indian indigo blue dye process came to Japan.
Against these trend, "Awa Indigo blue dye" still exsts in Japan.
Furthermore, its traditional technique is being transmitted nowadays.
Mr.Doi is confident that European advanced jewelry and accessories and Awa Indigo blue dye
are combined or mixed and someting new which has not existed in the world can be created newly.
His idea becomes a cause of making Awa Indigo blue accessories in the global market.
Now, we are in a position to supply designed accessories as well as parts to enlarge
and popurize this market.
If you will have any questions, requests and whatever you will need,
please be free to contact us at any time.
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