The thinnest polyester organdy fabrics

The organdy fabric is woven with finest deier of polyester yarn and

printed with Japanese traditional old patterns of Tempyo and Asuaka era (710~794 years).


5.8 gram per square meter is the most lightest organdy fabric in the world.

These patterns are taken from the Japanese rich era of  Tempyo for data.

These data are illustrated and printed on attractive organdy fabrics.

for scarfs and pocket chiefs.

Scarfs in folded condition look a beatiful changiable movement.


Pictures are in Tempyo era

Articles of scarf: 170 cm x 45 cm  Red, Black, Emerald ,Royal purple.

Small size of scarf : 75cmx 75cm Red,Black, Emerald , Royal purple.

Article of pocket scarf : 45 cm x 45cm, Black, Fiesta red , cherry pink, blue  

Pocket scarf

Digital Printing of Froshiki, Scarf & Interir goods

Froshiki (Wrapping cloth) is produced for traditional and sensibility in Kyoto in Japan.

Now it iass printed by Digital printing machines and approved with Kyoto  Printing

Association issussing tags toward each product.

In addition, fabrics are used for other application of scarf,eobags and interior decoration

because of the most beautiful printing designs



Digital printing production method for Furoshiki

Seeder attachments for tillers & tractors

Sano's  seeder attachments are available

for tillers and tractors


1. This attachment is easily   operated for seeding accurately and increasing to  seed effectively.



2. 2 lines to 7 lines for seeding flat ridges and

trapezoid ridges are available.


3. We are in a position to supply two types for 

   both tiller and tractor.


4. The sheets with continued lines are on sale goods. 


You can  save laboring work and can  increase   your  production  quantity  remarkably. 


Various kinds of  Tiller's spare parts like Honda, Mitsubishi and other makers.

One assembly of angle hexegon drums and

blades are used for Tiller's clutivating fields


 Rice fields and fields are cultivated,

harrowed, breaking ribs and preparation of


Tillers  are used for home fields by mini tillers too

We are in a position to supply tiller's spare parts

upon receipt of your required assembly or spare

parts.   .

Attachments for seeder tape, drilling holes and covering sheets.

Attachment assembly set for driing holes and covering multi sheets. FR-15PR-4SE 1.Simple and easiest seeding and covering              of sheet working.Multi guide system   


2   .Entire pressed roller type for    balanced

   .covering soil and pressed  worki ng.,

    Tractor working time is 1.5~2 km 4.S

      and tiller working is 0.7 km=1.4 km

     Highest working effeciency.

3   Working lines from 2 to 7 lines and Lines     diistances are changieable 

{special features}                        

Precise seeding is available. Lavor saving for thing out strams.

Tape materials are 2 types, Holocelon and Mesh cellon. In case of Mesh celon, (Dip  sheets

in water and budding or sprouting are promoting and they are seeding is available for soil  field.



For pharmacentical Chemical Spraying.

There is the attachments of  chemical

spray ing for Daishisutaon or Diazin (persticide)

in case of Radish.

Please refer to the picture .